For women who want to grow in life or business in an intimate group with like minded people

For women looking for a springboard into the next chapter of their lives, with a compassionate feminine approach.

For those who are at an intermediate to high level in their personal development or work life.

For those who want the support, accountability and momentum to reach a life of their dreams, whatever that looks like and whatever happens along the way.

For women who may (or may not) have been (or who are) going through a fertility struggle; mothering; living a life after fertility without children or childfree by choice - this is a totally unique space that honours every part of a woman’s life (including motherhood or not motherhood)

We will honour the unique way you are designed, the unique way you see the world and the impact of the seasonal, natural world outside and in.

We will honour the energy that varies through the day, month and seasons.

Happen, the Mastermind, an intimate group coaching space with a unique community, closely supported by myself and the women who are chosen to ensure the energy is compassionately positive.

For nearly ten years now I have been obsessed with personal development.

I love how much it has impacted not just me and my life, but as a result, thousands of people who have found me through my work; the people closest to me and the way I hope to influence my children.

I’ve been fortunate to have a group of women around me with whome I can be my full, growth-geeky self; share my wins and my failures, who cheerlead me and me right back to them.

Between us we we have experienced infertility; loss; parenting; not parenting. We run businesses; are artists; head up huge global organisations and we share a common energy.

This group catches me when I…

  • Doubt myself 

  • Need powerful connections with women who understand feminine energy

  • Need motivation

  • Need to LAUGH out loud, DANCE or TRAVEL i.e live my floopin’ life (that’s a new word)

  • Need somewhere to remind me I’m a total babe even when I make mistakes (which I do, often)

I had a vision to pull together a group for women, like this, to grow together with the added benefit of an expert experienced transformative coach leading the way; accountability; personalised coaching; momentum and consciousness, to make your limitless leaps forward.

So that’s what I did!

A group, brought together by me, seeking change; personal growth and development.

The results and impact for every Happenette has been incredible.

This experience is about forward motion, making things finally happen, taking the leap - all with the deepest support, guidance and mentoring throughout. 



  • You are intelligent and ambitious

  • You have ideas for things you want to make happen or see change in your life, but sometimes struggle to take action OR life feels just too full - you need support to implement and continue to see and experience the leaps and growth you KNOW you’re capable of

  • You are generous, open minded, perhaps spiritually curious, high achieving.

  • You are ready and willing to learn and grow through the work we do together.

HAPPEN is great for women who know what they want to work on - it might be for something they want to create OR to shift the inner dialogue.

It might be a career change or a business you want to grow or start.

It’s for anyone who finds themselves in my world, in whatever capacity and who appreciates my approach; the experience I have and the spaces I create for women.

It’s for women ready to dismantle imposter syndrome, people pleasing, perfectionism, self sabotage. It’s for those who crave clarity, focus and the accountability to consistently show up for themselves with self compassion and nurturing energy.

The results? Endless opportunities…

Leave the job sucking the life from your soul.

Make the house move you’ve been dreaming of.

Write the book you’ve been thinking about for the last 5 years.

Rediscover who you ARE after fertility treatment or parenting.

Build the website you’ve been meaning to for years. Start the Substack. Grow your IG account. Get the salary raise. Rediscover uncomplicated joy and love in your friendships, marriage, or family relationships. Eliminate the power toxic people hold over your thoughts and emotions. Hold empowered boundaries. Receive unexpected opportunities. Form deeply meaningful connections with kind, ambitious, high achieving women.

Deep inner peace.

Connection to your intuition.


Joy. Energy. flow.

If you have an idea that I am the right person for this season of your life; if you have that calling that maybe this is just the thing; if you feel that perhaps things have just been a bit ‘off’ and you want them to feel…well…ON… then HAPPEN is going to be absolutely perfect for you. 

It’s always a choice: to decide to become the main character of your life, to keep going and keep working towards that vision and find that in fact, results and life changing momentum is available. 

It’s really just down to us to see that most of the time, it’s only ourselves that get in the way of doing it.

I am so excited to imagine what’s going to change for you when you join…

This isn’t a training or a course. There are no long videos to go through, although as an extra bonus, everyone is given access to my online coaching programs to use when and if they become relevant:

IGNITE - 3 powerful workshops to kickstart your energy

GROWTH GANG  - a 5 day personal growth online boost

REACH - how to reach an audience, for clients building or growing a business with four workshops on:

Mindset, PR, Podcasts and Social Media

It’s a group coaching and accountability space and it’s epic.


How it works:

  • Starting questionnaire and personalised Opening Chapter focus points

  • Fortnightly check in and momentum - I’ll invite you to check in with me with a short form, so I can give you my reflections, coaching, feedback, cheerleading and mentoring!

  • Group for daily support: this is a mastermind, a hive mind so you’ll not just get the benefit of my expertise but the group’s brilliant ideas and support too. I will be present in the group throughout the week with messages and voice notes.

  • Fornightly group Zoom calls (it’s OK if you can’t make all of these & I’ll also be making sure anyone based outside of the UK has a call they can join and it’s not, like 3am!_.

OPENING SEPTEMBER 17TH 2024: 10 SPACES ONLY: 4 spaces left!

£1999 for 3 months

Payment Plans available

This is not an accident that you’re on this page. I know that you are a deeply generous, kind, creative AND ambitious person with so much to offer. I want to show you how you CAN do the things you want to do and not only this, I want to support you in actually DOING THEM. Yay. Feel free to connect with me if you have questions and just drop me a line on alice@thisisalicerose.com or a voice note on my IG @thisisalicerose 




  • Ten spaces maximum so I can give each Happen client the best possible energy and attention.

  • Happen will open again in September 2024; spaces will be reviewed every 3 months and any that become available will be opened up!

  • Once you’ve made the commitment refunds can’t be offered due to the way Happen works - please contact me about any wobbles!

  • My advice is to complete the application so we can look at your current circumstances together and see if it’s the right fit. If you’re being pulled towards this page there’s usually something to be explored.

  • I’ve designed this Mastermind so it is easy to make part of your day and weeks.

    No matter how busy things are, it’s usually a question of prioritisation and energy rather than time - and I can help with those things.

    I run a business, have three kids and am the breadwinner in my household and I can categorically tell you that investing in a mastermind myself has given me BACK sooooo much time, peace, joy, abundance and happiness.

    Please don't let time be the reason!!

  • HAPPEN is a high support coaching container, the investment is £1999 for three months.

    I can offer payment plans, please get in touch and we can have a chat!

  • Yes you can! Working together across longer periods of time can deepen the results and really see the inner work manifest in very real and tangible ways.

    I'm super proud that many Happen clients are returning because they love the experience so much, have had incredible results and want to keep that momentum going, with the compassionate and high energy unique to this experience.